It is an empty Greyhound Bus
going nowhere,
or an acre of land
on the moon.
It is what makes boys
want to become men,
and what makes men
become heroes.
Alone is not a bad dream.
It is a tormenting truth.
anyone can cry with his eyes open,
and yet it is a serene element
that can beautify the thought
of perishing.
Still it is the grievous thought
of a never healing wound,
with the disconsolate knowledge that Time heals nothing-really.
Alone is a person you always dream of
who never comes your way,
but is always expected.
It is wishing and hoping
in a night filled room,
or a man waiting to die with his door ajar.
But most of all,
it is the comfortless end
of all things.
-Susan Smpadian